Are you ready to protect your home's basement from damage this summer? Summer is just around the corner for some people, which probably means ice cream, sunshine, and a beach trip or two.
On the next thought, what does it mean to your house? As the weather warms up, the moisture in the air increases, and so does the potential for your basement to become damp. You could install foundation waterproofing to prevent water from seeping in and damaging your home's foundation. Also, Basement waterproofing can help improve your indoor air quality by preventing mold and mildew from growing.
When Considering The Perfect Time To Waterproof Your Home?
The best answer is "right now" or "before it rains." The soil around your home is constantly shifting and changing. As a result, cracks in your foundation can open up, allowing water to seep in and cause damage. If you wait until there's a problem, it may be too late, and the damage could be extensive.
By waterproofing your home now, you can help to prevent these cracks from forming in the first place. However, the best time for this is summer when the ground is easier to dig up and the weather is warm, which may give enough help for waterproofing.
Summer Time Reflects As Ground Isn't Frozen.
Although water damage may happen throughout the year, it's widespread in the summertime when the ground isn't frozen, and the weather is warm. This makes it a perfect time to install foundation waterproofing before the rainy season begins. Also, before the colder months, the temperature changes can affect the ground and moisture in the air.
The interior waterproofing methods used during the summer can help to prevent water damage during the rainy season. This is because they do not require digging trenches outside the foundation, like some exterior waterproofing methods. And also to be ensured that the soil is not frozen so that the installation crew can quickly get to work. So, before it starts to rain and your home is in danger of being damaged, take some time to consider waterproofing your foundation.
When you think about it, foundation waterproofing is a reasonably simple way to protect your home from water damage. By waterproofing your home now, you can help to prevent foundation damage and keep your home in top condition. And, when it comes to waterproofing, there's no such thing as being too prepared.
High Temperature Speeds Up Drying & Curing Process
Another great reason to waterproof your home in the summertime is that the high temperatures speed up the drying and curing processes. This means that the waterproofing products will be able to do their job more effectively and for a more extended period.
When the waterproofing of the basement is done in the summertime, it usually takes a week for the curing process. It includes fixing any cracks in the foundation and sealing them with a waterproofing product. Also, the membrane installation on the walls and floor is done with a hot asphalt adhesive and is then covered with a drainage board.
Make sure that you hire a professional waterproofing company to do the job. They will be able to duly assess your particular situation and recommend the best course of action. Also, see that it is done faster so that your basement can be protected from the damage caused by summer stormwater, and you can get back to your summertime activities as soon as possible.
How Would You Know Your Foundation Needs Waterproofing?
When it rains, do you notice water in your basement? If this is so, your foundation may need to be waterproofed. Water in the basement can signify several problems, including foundation damage, leaks in the roof or walls, and improper drainage.
Also the reasons like,
More pests than the usual in basement areas
Sagging or the flexing floors
The smell of mildew or mold
Stains on floors or walls
Colors on basement walls or floors
Water seepage through cracks in the foundation
Bowed or leaning walls
If you think that your home needs to be waterproofed, the first step is to call a professional waterproofing company. They can assess the situation and recommend the best way to proceed.
You can also look at steps to make the basement ready for hurricane season as a guide to check for other common problems.
Experts For Your Waterproofing Needs
If you need foundation waterproofing or any other type like basement waterproofing, call on the experts at Guardian foundation repair. They have the professional experience and knowledge to properly assess your situation and recommend the best course of action. The use of only the highest quality of materials and workmanship ensures that your home is adequately protected from the water damage for years to come.