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Can Foundational Problems Lead to Sinking or Uneven Floors?

Guardian Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair - Guardian Foundation Repair

The foundation is one of the essential parts of any building or home. It supports the entire structure and must be structurally sound to maintain its standing for years. Unfortunately, if there are foundational repairs present, it can cause several issues throughout the home, including sinking or uneven floors. This post will explore some of the causes behind these common issues and how they can be addressed.

Obvious Signs Your Floor is Showing the Negative effects of a Foundation Problem

Many homeowners are still determining whether home problems indicate issues with the foundation or are simply due to the house settling over time. If any of the following signs resonate with you, it may be time to move on from your current condition.

  • The floor sags toward the middle

  • Crack lines in the flooring

  • Doors stick or don't shut correctly

  • Cracks in exterior walls

  • Wallpaper peeling off of interior walls

  • Gaps between wall and ceiling

  • Cracks in the foundation

  • Uneven flooring throughout the house

  • Crawl spaces are suffering from moisture damage

  • Concrete slabs have shifted beneath the home

If you notice the following signs, your foundation likely needs repair by a professional foundation repair in Tennessee. And the longer you ignore the situation, the greater the risk of structural damage that can't be undone. So it's smart to get a foundation inspection done as soon as possible.

Why Foundation Issues Affect Your Flooring

The reason your floor is sinking or uneven is not because of the flooring itself but what it is being supported by. As foundation problems worsen, it puts more strain and pressure on the floor joists. This stress will eventually cause them to bend or crack, making your flooring feel uneven or sinking in certain areas. Let's look at the most common causes of foundation issues that can lead to sinking or uneven floors.

Wooden Floors

Wood beams and joists support most homes' floors. However, when your foundation shifts, this wooden support system can cause your flooring to become uneven or sink in spots.

Crawl Spaces

All crawl spaces have support beams. However, high moisture levels in your crawl space can damage wooden support beams, causing them to rot. This causes the walls to weaken and is especially common if the home isn't constructed.

Sagging in the middle of your home is one tell-tale sign that the center support beam in your crawl space has sustained damage.

Concrete Slabs

If your flooring involves cement or concrete, that material may crack over time. This occurs when foundation shifting causes the concrete to be unsupported in some areas, leading to cracking and uneven floors.

How to Fix Sinking or Uneven Floors

Get a Professional Foundation Inspection

A professional inspection is a good start if you think your home has foundation problems. If your foundation is giving you trouble, experts can help you figure out the problem and the options for fixing it.

Remember, it is a good idea to examine your foundation for any signs of damage. This includes cracks in the walls, uneven floors, and sticking doors or windows. If you notice any of these things, it is time to contact a foundation repair specialist.

Install Crawl Space Supports

As mentioned before, crawl space supports are essential to keeping your floor in the right shape. A professional crawl space repair specialist can install a crawl space support system to help prevent further damage and keep the flooring in your home even and strong. This system supports your floor joists and keeps them from sagging. So if you have crawl space issues, this could be the solution.

Installing Slab Piers

Piers can often be an effective solution if you're having difficulty with your concrete foundation slab. The type of pier you need depends on the specific issue at hand. With a professional's help, you can determine the best type of pier to install so that your concrete slab remains stable and your floor remains even.

The Bottom Line

If you believe there is an issue with your foundation, it is always a good idea to contact a professional foundation repair. Ignoring the problem could further damage your home, so taking action as soon as possible is important. With foundation repair specialists, you can find the right solution to ensure your floor remains even and strong.

Take this opportunity to inspect your home's foundation now and make sure your foundation is in good condition. Doing so will guarantee that your flooring stays strong and safe for years.


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